Monday, September 29, 2014

Over the weekend

Here are a few lovely and inspiring things I found over the weekend!

JJ and I don't see much of each other these days. When we do see each other, it is usually in passing or while shoveling dinner down at ten o'clock at night. We joke, that some day we will look back at this time in our lives with fondness. But in all seriousness, this has been the happiest year of my life. Almost as happy as these sweet dachshund nuptials! Eek!

Before my Grandfather, Harold Bernt, passed away he wanted to visit Ellis Island. This was the place his mother, my grand grandmother, entered the United States through. Sadly, he never made it to Ellis Island, he did however, have a memorial brick placed with her name, Anna Korger, on the island. After my Grandfather passed, my family journeyed to this iconic piece of American history. We walked through the doors my great grandmother walked through. The story of Ellis Island is our history and sadly it is quickly deteriorating. As part of a revitalization project, the Save Ellis Island initiative created an art exhibit titled "Unframed-Ellis Island" featuring the works of artist JR. Find out more information here.

  PBS released the season 5 trailer of Downton Abbey! This is season is going to be incredible...


These gold leaf brooches from A Beautiful Mess are a must-try on my next free weekend! They are so adorable! 

And finally, I begin rehearsals this week for Connecticut Lyric Opera's production of Der Rosenkavalier. This music is so divine and magical.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thirsty Thursday: The Champagne Cocktail

Hello Vintage-istas!

We're back after an unplanned two-week hiatus. Sometimes, life has a way of moving incredibly slow for perceived periods of eternity and then suddenly piling a lifetime's worth of obligations on you over the period of a week! Well, back to the cocktails! For this Thirsty Thursday installment, we're concluding out champagne series with perhaps the oldest and simplest of champagne-inspired mixes: The Champagne Cocktail.

The "Champagne Cocktail" likely originated in the 19th century and largely has gone unchanged since. After all, it is difficult (and unnecessary) to alter something so simple as the Champagne Cocktail! Since then, it has made many pop culture appearances, including Casablanca! Here are our ingredients:
  • 1 cube sugar
  • 2 dashes Bitters
  • Champagne or sparkling wine
  • Lemon twist for garnish

Preparation: In a champagne flute, soak sugar cube in bitters and allow a moment to dissolve. Next, top off glass with chilled champagne or sparkling wine, garnish with a lemon twist, and enjoy!

Recommended accompaniment:

To accompany this drink, we recommend a tune straight from the film Casablanca to put you in the mood: "As Time Goes By," recorded here by Louis Armstrong and Nat King Cole.

Until next drink!

Jerron J.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

my week in snapshots: week 5

Hi! It's The Vintage Chanteuse here and it has been a long time (too long, much too long). My small corner of the world has been in complete upheaval. I've spent the last month trying to settle into two new jobs and it hasn't been easy. Actually, its been a staggering experience to say the least and I have completely lost control of my personal life because of it! Alas, I am beginning to find my place, the dust is starting to settle, and the ground doesn't feel so shaky. And now here I am! I'm back and even more excited to share my vintage inspired life with you all! Oh, and did I mention I am wedding planning also?! More to come on this topic at a later date...

Here's my week in snapshots!

We have been searching far and wide for the perfect venue to host our reception. We found it this morning peaking through the fog as we reach the top of rolling and winding road. This beautiful historic 1756 barn at Holcomb Farm in Granby, CT is going to be the perfect backdrop for our vintage inspired wedding!

Just in case we forgot it is still summer for another 6 glorious hours.

My favorite time of the year begins tomorrow! We will be celebrating the return of fall with roasted butternut squash, pumpkin pizzas, and apple ciders!

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." 

                                                        -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, September 8, 2014

Over the Weekend!

Hello Vintage-ista's! 

It has been very long time. When life hits, it hits hard. I have been busy doing completely unglamorous things like signing contracts, training for new jobs, sitting in music practice rooms, and dealing with the idea of change--as daunting and intimidating as it is!

After too many weeks away, here we are again, over the weekend! Here are a few awesome things I have found during my late-night-can't-make-my-brain-stop-thinking sessions.

1.  These color photos of real Rosie the Riveters are incredibly inspiring. 

2.  Here is a glimpse into the world's oldest surviving music hall, Wiltons. This place is simply magical and is at the top of my list the next time I am in London!

3.  This is exactly how I felt yesterday morning as I watched my coffee steaming as I walked to work.

4.  This book!  Every free moment I can find is spent with this book! 

5.  Wedding planning has officially begun for me. Before anything is booked (besides the groom!) I am pouring through vintage etiquette guides for ideas. Like this guide from The Retro Housewife.