Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekly Playlist: Film Noir

Hello Vintage-istas!

We've been busy this weekend hosting a film noir themed murder mystery party. It was a huge success! In fact, so much so we will be hosting a public murder mystery party in the Historic Schmuck Building in October! And really, what better place to host a murder mystery than in a haunted building! I will be posting information in September about buying tickets and the party's mystery theme. So to whet your whistle a bit here's a little film noir music we used to create an ambiance on Saturday night!

Now for our feature...

It was a dark and stormy night. The street lamps were casting gloomy shadows on the wet pavement. It had been a rough night and my weary eyes followed the moonlight which seemed to light the way to Harry's bar on the corner. When suddenly from behind a female voice grew from the shadows "May I have a light?"


The Vintage Chanteuse

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