Monday, May 26, 2014

Father's Day Gifts

Hello! With Father's Day around the corner, I thought what a great way to introduce you to the world of buying vintage and vintage inspired gifts. I ADORE buying vintage or vintage-inspired gifts for my loved ones. The gifts are always unique, thoughtful, and personal. Here are few ideas to help you get started!

For the:
1) Dad who loves to tailgate: Vintage travel bar set .
2) Dapper Dad: 1960's arrow tie bar.
3) Competitive Dad: Vintage chess set.
4) Manly Dad: Dr. Squatch men's soapscription.
5) Bearded Dad: Vintage-inspired deluxe beard care set.
6) Beer Enthusiast Dad: Retro beer glasses.

I hope this gives you a few ideas on your hunt for the perfect vintage (or vintage inspired) Father's Day gifts!

Happy Hunting!

The Vintage Chanteuse

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